hygienic dark retreat

profound rest for the self‑healing psyche

a book by andrew durham

formerly darkroomretreat.com


by David Klein, Ph.D. (RIP)
and Robert Sniadach, D.C.

Wuhan Air Quality
Deadly air pollution in Wuhan, China, “epicenter” of the “coronavirus outbreak.”


Viruses are prevalent in astronomical numbers throughout Nature. They are everywhere. They are non-living, submicroscopic, organized complexes of molecules that typically contain a protein coat that surrounds a core of RNA or DNA fragments. These genetic fragments from animals and plants arise naturally when cells die and are recycled. About a million cells in your body die every second. Along with all other cellular components, the DNA and RNA parts of dead cells are chopped up by lysosome enzymes into tiny pieces for recycling.

The fragments float freely in the blood and lymph fluid where they can naturally bind with random protein molecules that form coatings; however, the fragments do not seek out protein to coat themselves, as they have no purposeful life force. Because some viruses are encased in proteins that the body thinks it can use, the body’s cells are sometimes fooled into absorbing the viruses via protein receptors located on their cell membranes. This entry is commonly called “infection.”

When a virus enters a host cell it might be able to use the cell’s replicating machinery — a parasitic process whereby many copies of the foreign genetic fragment are made and expelled from the cell. In some cases, replication is limited and harmless; in other cases, replication is life-sapping, destructive to the cells, and potentially fatal. A secondary incidental purpose of viruses is their capability of being incorporated into living host cells and inserted into their DNA/ RNA, altering the genetics and evolutionary trajectory of host organisms.

viral entrance pathways

Some viruses enter our sinuses and entire respiratory system via the air we breathe, whereby they can then enter the body’s cells. Viruses can also occur on and in the foods we eat — those that have not been destroyed by cooking and digestive juices can be absorbed into the bloodstream and similarly find their way into the body’s cells.

viral actions are nebulous

Viruses are so incredibly tiny that it is very difficult to discern what happens with them in the body. Viruses are usually far smaller than a bacterium. To truly know what happens with viral infection, we must identify, differentiate, and watch a viral particle attaching to the living cell membrane. Then watch what happens to it inside the cell, then zoom in more to watch the genetic activities taking place, then watch the reconstruction of new viral particles, then watch it breaking out of the cell, and observe the cellular damage and the extent of the destructive effects on a person’s health.

All of this is incredibly difficult to do, and, in fact, most of these described steps have not actually been seen and verified. They are essentially just guesses at what is happening — educated guesses based on inferences about cellular processes and how the cell changes with time. When it comes to proper assessment of viral disease effects, we must consider a wholistic study of the test subject’s lifestyle habits (especially diet and air quality), toxemic load, and health history.

The assessment of “viral epidemics” often involves conclusions that are based on insufficient studies of test subjects. What most if not all studies ignore or do not consider is causative lifestyle factors in the subject’s health condition, especially diet and toxemic load — are viruses or, actually, toxins killing the person? Medical morbidity and mortality statistics tend to attribute many deaths to microbes and viruses — ignorant (sometimes intentionally) of the health-destructive effects of toxic diets, air pollution, EMFs, and drugs. Here are two possible examples of misleading mortality causes:

  1. If a person who has eaten a diet of mostly fatty, processed fast foods becomes ill and dies, and an autopsy reveals a “viral infection,” the virus is blamed.
  2. If a person who has breathed extremely polluted air and develops an acute respiratory condition and dies, and an autopsy reveals a “viral infection,” the virus is blamed.

mass deception

Since so much is unknown about the mechanics of disease causation, toxicosis and virology, these subjects have engendered a lot of myths, fears and panics. Time and time again we have seen World Governments / Big Brother, Big Medicine and Big Pharma employing the “infectious disease” scaremongering narrative to further their agendas of controlling populations and drug profits.

Almost everyone has easily fallen for “infectious viral disease epidemic” scares since the time when viruses were first discovered, because the germ theory was in full force and viruses have similarly been vilified as have bacteria.

As is happening right now, Chinese Big Brother is exploiting virus phobia by shirking responsibility for its man-made air pollution disasters in several cities and shifting the blame to a common virus called “coronavirus.” Other countries are in turn spreading the fiction, people can see and smell the gray polluted air, they choke on it and fall ill, but the government blames a phantom or insignificant bogeyman.

If you are reading the mainstream news, you will often see the word “presumed” attached to “corona virus (COVID-19) deaths” — where is the definitive proof that this virus is the culprit? We are also reading about a lot of people “testing positive for the virus.” But:

  1. It’s a common virus that might have harmlessly resided in the body for years
  2. We have trillions of viruses in our body
  3. Is there definitive proof that the test is accurate?
  4. Has the so-called infection caused any actual harm?
  5. What has each person been eating and breathing?

As stated earlier, COVID-19 infection and its effects are very difficult to accurately prove. Nevertheless, it is easy to simply label deaths due to severe pollution, old age, compromised immune systems and other similar diseases as “coronavirus” deaths.

On the alleged worst day for COVID-19 a month ago (February 10, 2020) in the Chinese industrial province of Hubei, 108 people died — and most had severe respiratory illness from the air pollution. Consider that globally about 26,000 people die of cancer, 49,000 people die of cardiovascular diseases, 4,300 people die of diabetes, 9,000 die of respiratory diseases and 10,000 die of medical errors every day. Aside from smoking, Big Medicine typically blames respiratory disease deaths on bacteria and viruses, rather than the true cause: toxicosis, or systemic poisoning from airborne pollutants and/or toxic diets. With those numbers and facts in sight, especially considering the severe air pollution where this “epidemic” began, how can we conclude that COVID-19 is causing any crisis? But what about the people who are are dying from the alleged coronavirus infection even where there is little air pollution, because we are told that the coronavirus is spreading? Consider this: coronavirus is often implicated as the culprit that causes the common cold — it’s everywhere at all times.

As long as people keep believing in Big Brother’s pandemic story, Big Pharma can cash in on their dubious vaccines and treatments. It’s profoundly absurd and sad that most coronavirus “epidemic” players (most doctors, nurses, emergency personnel, laboratory technicians and government “authorities”) don’t know that they are carrying out a cover-up story that turned into a giant global hoax.

in summary

Viruses are non-living, submicroscopic organized complexes of molecules, commonly referred to as “infectious agents.” There are countless viruses in the natural world, and most are benign. Some viruses that enter the body can have two effects: 1. replication that can be benign or harmful, and 2. insertion into our chromosomes, resulting in changes to our genetic traits and functions that may be considered “evolutionary.”

Billions of viral as well as bacterial and other foreign substances are encountered every day by our body. Keeping everything clean and working inside is a major task our body must do at all times. This requires a lot of energy. If our body decides that a lot of normal daily vital energy must be redirected toward eliminating excessive viruses, bacteria or other toxic materials, then the feeling and state of dis-ease and very low energy will be experienced. At this point it is prudent to rest, eat simply and avoid treating symptoms with drugs so as to enable maximum detoxification, repair and rejuvenation. Once the offending substances are fully eliminated, our energy levels will return to normal, and the feelings of dis-ease will be replaced by feelings of wellness, provided that we continue to live healthfully.

So, minimizing toxin/pollutant exposures and smartly managing our energy expenditures every day, especially taking care not to waste our energy and become enervated, are two of the most important things we can do to maintain our health.

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