hygienic dark retreat

profound rest for the self‑healing psyche

a book by andrew durham

formerly darkroomretreat.com


2022 August 17

An individualist politics is not enough to secure freedom. An individualist form of government is necessary to apply such politics. And an individualist party is necessary to institute such government.

Individualistic movements have relied on the centralized state and traditional parties. But these are inherently collectivist institutions. The centralized state involves delegation of power, representation, voting, secret societies, and arcane rules and laws. Traditional parties compromise principle. Their centralization and hierarchy mirror the states they are oriented toward. Any individualist politics injected into their structure, they turn to collectivism, thus tyranny.

Structure determines function. “The medium is the message” (McCluhan). “We create our buildings, and then they create us” (Wright). “The means are the end” (Rand).

Ironically, the solution is the distributed organization of collectivist party activism. Distribution suits rebelliousness and individual initiative. It reflects the legal equality that underdogs yearn for.

But collectivism’s function is despotism. This is hidden at first. Once power is attained, distribution is discarded for centralization. Hierarchy is fortified. It executes its activists (useful idiots). It crushes their rebellion before they grasp their masters’ nature.

Individualism’s function is liberation. This is its appeal. So it only has one face. Its party’s distribution manifests as the natural, permanent form of individualist government.


This post introduces the theoretical and structural requirements of freedom. Scene: freedom introduces the qualitative requirements. I suggest you read it next.

< scene-freedom